Work With Me

Would you want to to make life-altering changes?

Choose one of the following options below to find out if it is for you.

  • Parenting Questions From the moment you found out that you are pregnant, till the moment your child leaves your home, parenting questions may fill your thoughts and heart. Do not let thoughts paralyze you. In my 32 years of working with parents any question can lead to great discoveries!
  • EmPathIQ Communication Training. In Groups, Couple or one on one online. Would you like to actively work on your communication-skills? Request a discovery call to find out what matches your needs.
  • EmPathIQ Communication family Training. Groups or couple.
    A laser-focused ECT that teaches in the fastest way the most important skills for your family.
  • School and Learning. How do children grow, flourish, thrive? Am i offering the right tools? Help, my child is unhappy in school.
  • New Children. The last decades more and more children show their incredible talent. It is not always easy for a parent to understand what the child is after and whether there is ‘more’ to it.

Schedule a free call to find out what you would need and that already puts you on a changing path!

To schedule: email